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Quick Tips for Cleaning Anitque Glass Bottles

WnJ Services considers antique glass bottles and similar items to be very beautiful as well as very valuable. But over time, they collect dust and unwanted mineral deposits. Therefore, they need to be cleaned well so that luster is not eliminated and the antique’s aesthetic and monetary values will not decrease. Here, WnJ Services would like to share with all homeowners some easy steps to keeping antiques glass in pristine condition.

Things You’ll Need

  • Soft cloth
  • Scouring powder
  • Cotton balls
  • Denture cleanser
  • Stove top polishing cream
  • Bathroom soap scum remover

Steps to Cleaning Antique Glass Bottles

  1. Soak the glass in denture cleanser overnight.
  2. For slick glass, remove from denture cleanser and scrub with stove top polishing cream.
  3. If the glass still isn't clean, spray it with bathroom soap scum remover and scrub it off.
  4. For other types of glass, for which scratches are not as big an issue, use scouring powder to scrub the glass. Use soft cloth or cotton balls to scrub in order to minimize abrasion.
  5. Begin scrubbing in a small, inconspicuous place towards the bottom of the glass. This is to test the reaction to the cleaning solution. If paint begins to rub off, stop scrubbing immediately and find a weaker cleaning solution.
  6. Dry your glass thoroughly to avoid ‘crizzeling’ (rough surface that forms, clouding glass clarity). If it is a bottle or similar item, turn it upside down on a dish rack to allow moisture from the inside to drip-off.

jTips & Warnings

  • Stove top polishing cream is non-abrasive and won't scratch or otherwise damage your glass.
  • Remember to dilute your cleaning solutions with water. Pure solutions are very, very strong and can eat away at your glass. You should have only approximately 1 percent solution and 99 percent water.
  • If there is something painted on the glass, be very careful not to scrub the paint off while cleaning the glass. Improper cleaning techniques can serve to damage glass even further.
  • Scouring powder is abrasive and can scratch and damage smoother glass products.
  • If moisture is left to accumulate on the glass, it may draw elements out of the glass itself to form an alkaline solution. Over time, this alkaline solution will degrade the glass and cause a series of small cracks, called "crizzeling". This phenomenon is called "weeping glass" and usually indicates a flaw in the manufacturing. Be aware of this phenomenon.
  • If you dry your glass with a dish towel, be aware that fibres from the towel may shed onto the glass, smearing it and taking away from its overall lustre.

This article was adapted from www.ehow.com/how_2051846_clean-antique-glass.html.



For more information, please visit us at www.wnjservices.com.

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