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Commercial FAQ

1. How many years of experience does WnJ Services have?

Our collective working related experience in WnJ Services is about 30 solid years!

2. Does WnJ Services have any referrals?

Absolutely! We have worked with the companies listed below;

United Postal Service (UPS), Siemens, E&O Properties, DNP Development, Perodua, St. Nicholas Home, Naluri Group/atlan, Holiday Inn Hotel, Hydro Majestic Hotel, IJM, Bormanite

3. Does WnJ Services have any foreign workers?

Yes we do. We have certified foreigners from Indonesia, Bangladesh and Vietnam.

4. What if we’re not satisfied with the performance of WnJ Services’ workers?

Usually for any new worksite, it would take several days/weeks before the workers will adapt to their work of scope and scheduling. We believe with training, guiding and proper monitoring, the workers will be able to adapt to their new environment and work efficiently. However, if you are still not satisfied with the worker’s performance, we will then substitute the worker with another staff to meet your expectations.

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